Sunday, August 16, 2015

We knew he was cute!

Originally posted August 1, 2011
I’m not happy unless I have some kind of illness, obviously. So I decided to go with Lyme disease this time. Really, it’s no big deal. Caught early and easily treatable, all is well.

Last week we drove to Bethlehem, PA to meet with the modeling & talent agency that discovered Amanda Seyfried. It was a loooooooooong trip. Especially since I may have given some incorrect directions on the way back home.

Anyway, the owner of the agency met with Ryan and spent some time alone with him (after some cajoling from James and I). She said right away that Ryan has the look however, she was concerned about his lack of experience with other children and with other adults. Ryan punctuated this by not wanting to hold her hand when she wanted to take him for a little walk around her studio.

However, after he got used to the new environment Ryan was happy to walk away with her and even sat on her lap while she did some work as James and I looked over the contract in another part of the studio. At that point I believe she felt like Ryan would be okay to work.

So what’s next? We wait to see if anyone hires him for a job. Nothing may ever come to fruition but he has two agencies working for him and that’s great.

There are millions of gorgeous kids out there and a LOT of them are signed up with agencies. There is a lot of work for kids his age but also a lot of competition. So... who knows? If we’re lucky he can make enough to help pay for college or maybe traveling around Europe before college.

As long as people are treating our kid with respect and he doesn’t seem to hate it, we’ll continue on.

P.S. How many times in a row can a parent read Goodnight Moon before becoming brain dead? If there is a scientific study being done, Ryan has a ton of data to contribute.

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