Sunday, August 16, 2015


Good Morning everyone,

Baby girl arrived safely & is perfectly healthy.  And a huge sigh of relief echoed across the OR as we heard her first cry.

Hannah Claire Hunt arrived at 9.51am, weighing in 7lbs 13oz so just an 1oz less than her big brother, who took great delight in announcing he had a sister at school that day.

Everything about her is great, she's eating well, pooping for the USA & is generally settling down for good naps.

So, why are we now on this blogspot?  Because Apple decided to run an update to their software which stopped iWeb - the portal we used for our website - functioning, no big deal, I simply kept Jessica's old Mac and used it only for the blog.  But it's now full, so the blog/website won't/can't update.  Which  is annoying when you've constructed a carefully considered prose which would make the greatest literary talents weep.  It's true and you can't deny it because you'll never see it - thanks Steve Jobs...Twat.

Now it's here, I spent quite a few hours copying across the whole legion of blog to it, and this meant I had to prove I'm not a robot to Google.... think I managed it.

So, for now I'm done.  I think all that really matters was covered in the first few lines!

Very happy to say, goodbye from J, J, R & H!

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