Sunday, August 16, 2015

Veterans, Votes & Elections

Originally posted November 11, 2014
Today is a holiday in honor of veterans day, its nice to see the people who serve their country getting full respect, something that isn’t always the case in England - though I did note that the various poppy ceremonies seemed to be better respected this year but maybe thats down to it being 100 years since WW1 began.  Working for a company that places high value on its military connections and has a large majority of staff with service backgrounds ensures this day is properly respected & understood.

So, we enjoyed Halloween though Ryan had to resort to his IronMan costume as his Optimus Prime one will probably fit him when he’s 10.  We rumbled round the neighborhood for 90 mins or so and tagged on with some of his school friends so he suddenly got brave and began running up to each door - he even went into a haunted garage which is more than his friends did.

The first opportunity to vote came round, which I jumped at - at least I have a right to bitch about politics now!  As I’d sorted my registration with the new address I only needed to go across the road to vote, Jessica was less organized and ended up voting in Fairfax County.  VA ended up being a close run election which probably did little other than show the general dissatisfaction with how the current political landscape is playing out.  It’s probable that neither party provides the answer, but sitting on the fence accomplishing little or nothing isn’t what it’s about either.

One of the forthcoming decisions we face is our Medical Cover elections... as a result of the absurdly named Affordable Care Act, it’s common practice for companies to be switching to High Deductible plans.  As we’re with BAH plans we have no choice but to select something new and from initial checks it seems our premium remains similar, but our family deductible (what we pay before insurance kicks in) is much, much higher than before.  Of course all of this was predicted to be the situation, its possible that some knowledge of this influenced the various voting patterns in the elections.  I doubt anyone can legitimately gripe about people getting coverage and being able to afford it, but I can’t agree with anyone who says it’s affordable when you factor in a premium & deductible that can cost as much as $12,000 per year - I suggest if people could pay that, then they’d have had insurance in the first place.  It’s a bit like the Prius, probably needed, probably a good idea & theory.... just flawed when it’s not put to work correctly.

We’ve been in this house over a year - that time has zipped by.  Feels like barely yesterday Jessica was chuffing her guts and I was lumping boxes.... we’ve had the odd blip recently, all the lightbulbs in the kitchen clearly had a year lifespan because they needed to be replaced, the fridge bulb joined the club of fail and the front door lock sheared off and it too needed replacing.  Oh well, better now than at Xmas. 

Which of course Ryan is looking forward to immensely - “I want this for Christmas.”  “I want Minecraft Christmas” etc etc.  We’ll see what Santa brings, at least this year he’s behaved unlike his mother, she’s been evil all year, plotting & scheming against me - payback is coming.  And that’s all I’m going to say!

Till next time,
J, J & R.

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