Sunday, August 16, 2015

Presents & Passports

Originally posted on January 9, 2013
Huge gap between entries, principally because we had so much going on, but first of all Happy New Year!  Let’s hope 2013 has much of the good stuff from 2012 & none of the crap.

So, we survived Christmas, nobody got poisoned by the turkey and I think over-indulgence was kept to a minimum,  Of course it’s now over a year since we were in the UK but we were still able to enjoy a phone conversation and joke about the weather.

Amongst many presents, Ryan got a train set.... then he got a replacement because the first one was, being polite... fairly crap.  He likes the new one much better, though it does often seem to have a collision with an Angry Bird or 6!  He also got a T-Ball set (baseball for beginners basically) so far he’s not broken anything nor chased after Poof with the bat - I doubt either of those claims will last too long!  Oh, he loves his Octonauts DVD.... except it’s a British series and the British versions of it have different accents to those he knows from US tv....

Ryan has begun “school”... well barely, because as I type this, he’s coughing his guts up.  Only had the 2 1/2 days so far, but he settled in well and hopefully once over this bug will be back for a good stint.  This of course means I need to foxtrot oscar and get a proper job, resume’s are currently spamming recruiters, hopefully something worthwhile will turn up!

Speaking of bugs, we’ve gone through a spell of bad health recently, we ended up at an emergency care facility where it turned out Jessica was making a fuss over nothing and I had enough of an intestinal issue that I ended up on a 2 week course of tabs - since then I think what I actually had was the norovirus, but as that seems common I’ll claim it was something more sinister.

Hmm, oh yes, Jakey thug decided we needed an early call on Dec 26th by eating string...emergency vets req’d where he was sedated and giving medicine to induce vomiting. It didn’t work till he came home, rushed off, ate some food, walked into our bedroom and vommed over the floor.  “Great Jake, you asshole..... oh look, string..... good work!”.  So that worked out well, but it was still expensive so he remains an asshole!

Finally, well not finally but this is getting extensive so I’ll not bore you much more.... The number of US citizens in our place went up by one on Dec 18th, as I finally completed the long task put in place since I arrived.  That means I can now vote and have to decide who annoys me more, Demotwats being commies, stealing my families money and having no idea how to curb spending or Redumplicans who seem intent on shooting anything and seem socially stuck in the 1900’s.  Sigh.   Ryan will soon be able to consider those options in due course as we’re getting him tied into UK citizenship, not for any big reason, but it will make any travels/study or work in the EU (as it stands now - but of course it’ll be bankrupt by the time he’s 21 anyway) far easier.

Well as I mentioned politics it’s time to move on, should be a more regular update once we avoid silly times of the year.

All the best for 2013 from us all.

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