Sunday, June 5, 2016

Time flies by

Experiencing writers block (not actually but I really don't want to bring politics and business into this blog - not yet anyway!) and realizing 6 weeks have passed since the last update - ooops!

So here's a fast recap:

Ryan & Jessica had birthdays, for Ryan the weather turned out just right, stopping raining an hour before party start and seeing our car arrive to an empty car park, fortunately the families were super grateful for the break in the weather as the kids had been driving them crazy for the previous few days stuck indoors!  Just as we packed up, down came the rain again.

 Ryan is almost at the end of his Kindergarten year and he's happy about that, his speech therapy teacher is currently running an annual test program on him which has given great signs of progress - only took 4 years! :-)

Hannah is now fully mobile, scooting around like a Komodo Dragon on the prowl for food, but increasingly trusting her walking skills, her best new trick is climbing the stairs, Jessica is slowly coming round to the "cage" conclusion as being the best all-round solution.

A move up was also in order for Hannah at Chesterbrook as she joined her friend Harper in going out of the newborn room, much to the disappointment of a few teachers, Harper seems to be the cool, calm one while Hannah goes round creating trouble & strife with every step.

I managed to maintain my standard watch of the Indy 500, one day I may even make it in person, and was able to provide a report & result to my parents who had to miss it because rather stupidly they didn't consult a calendar before booking another trip to a foreign land - priorities all out of whack!

As I write this Ryan is putting together another Lego masterpiece, once again Star Wars themed, and Hannah is trying to work out what's edible and if she can taste test it all. (late edit) it's now 9:30pm and GoT is on and all of the above applies still..... sigh.

More updates when I can come up with something worth typing.

Till then,
J, J, R & H.