I was thinking I needed to get onto updating here and then worked out it's been 12 weeks ooops.. So the lets try to split up the summer with 2 updates in quick succession.
Part 1 shall follow on from last time, where we'd said goodbye to Jet, it was of course just about end of school year and both Ryan & Hannah had an excellent summer. Ryan was back at summer school for 3 weeks and did well, he also took some extra STEM training for 3 evenings at the local library run by a Grade 2 teacher from Lowes Island. What was good about it was he worked with some of his friends creating bridges and towers etc out of food stuffs, he showed some good construction skills, perhaps Minecraft does serve some positive purpose after all!
Hannah turned 3 of course, and had an exceptional party at Clemyjontri, for a lot of parents it was either the first time ever or the reason to return after a while away and again the weather behaved and we all had fun. Hannah did freak out people though early on, as I was unloading the car I got a call... "Hi, is this Hannah's Dad?".. "Yes!" "oh great, I have Hannah, she's lost!" cue me looking round from the back of the car to see David's mom holding an upset Hannah's hand. I quickly got to them and it turned out Hannah had lost sight of Mom and her friends so had returned to the last place she saw them, the toilets. But of course they weren't there. At that moment I saw one of the Moms run into the toilets and call for Hannah, followed by a fairly frantic Jessica coming down the path. Relax lady, I've got this covered ;-) Hannah was fine by this point so everyone got on with the fun.
We made our pilgrimage down to Myrtle Beach and got lucky as expected poor weather turned out to be pretty reasonable actually, we even met up with Maggie on the beach one morning. We played Crazy Golf - well Ryan cheated a bit and Hannah simply put the ball down next to the hole and whacked it in. Stupidly we did this on the hottest day at the height of the afternoon... and all showed wear & tear after it. The oven in the room was pretty crap, kept setting off the smoke detector and didn't heat properly, but we made the best of it, and of course managed to go through a full aquarium of seafood. We even found a very good, cheap burger place and found both kids could pick something off the menu. Best news of all is Paul didn't spend any time needing to discuss actions with any cops this time! Progress.
Cats coped in our absence, we had a deal set up where twice a day someone came in, fed, watered and cleaned up..... and after a little reticence - Poofy does not forgive easily! and some insistence on sleeping with us on our bed, they were both back in good form.
Jessica continued her escape room endeavors, from the whispers I've heard, they seem to be failing more than they succeed, but somehow they still manage to consume alcohol. There's been some bad behavior from the group - you know who you are! - and Jessica is equally culpable for encouraging it!
Ok, part 2 will follow shortly - honest.
You liked it! (Robin)