Sunday, September 4, 2016

Having a very Happy Wubby Birthday!

Ok, after not getting to this last week and preferring to give an update on the vacation, here's a chance to catch up with what occurred over the past month or so.

Big news is our littlest Wubbus is now 1, as in 1 massive terror, oddly enough the only thing she seems scared of is Jet.  Fully mobile she's storming round the house, eating the equivalent of an adult and being very adamant over what she wants and when.  A few more words are beginning to form which is good news for us and not so good news for Ryans speech therapist who may have been hoping for another 5 years of cash from our insurers!

Jessica invested plenty of time & resources into the party drumming up her full entourage of assistance and press-ganging several people into action.  We ended up with way too much food, if the story of feeding the 5000 with bread and fish is remotely true, Jessica made enough to feed 50,000, or 1 Paul, 1 Hannah & a fair few of her work colleagues as thats where the slow cooked pork/chicken & meatballs ended up. 

We even managed a transatlantic video call, not that it was a conversation as too much noise was on this side of the pond, but it was a fine use of technology. 

Hannah has way too much in the way of toys so we asked for donations to a charity close to our hearts and as a way of remembering Nathan, we're pleased to say that a good chunk of change went that way & for that we're extremely grateful.

Ryan is now a 1st grader, and also beginning a fall season of machine pitch baseball, he's got a few teammates from the rain-afflicted spring season and this will be a good step up for him once we get down to the real stuff.  Of course as he's now a 1st grader he has full day school, and after school care is provided by the county program which means sadly that he's now concluded at Chesterbrook after over 3 1/2 years, expected snow days notwithstanding!   Fortunately there's plenty of friends already in the afterschool program and he's got the opportunity to make more.  That program is at his school so we simply need to collect him and then go get Hannah.

Also Hannah survived her 1st haircut, well it was more of a trim to keep it out of her eyes, but no tears or struggling so that's a great start!

Weather seems to be slowly taking a cooler turn, this may lead to a few more excursions out as the nights close in, thoughts for Halloween costumes are already underway, below is one idea!

Catch up later!

J, J, R & H.