Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mind Games

Hi everyone, yet more time went scooting by and I swear I wanted to write an entry before today but, my mind was playing all sorts of tricks & no treats on me.

So, usually I end up just spouting something as it flows into my mind, sometimes it's damn good stuff, others I may miss the mark, fundamentally I know you read this to hear about our kids. Therefore it might be down to tiredness, perhaps stress from work or maybe just something my brain says "get this out there".  Which is how a few weeks ago I was awake at 2am thinking about death & legacies. No idea what triggered it, but I had a whole blog constructed in my mind.  And then I fell asleep and recalling it when I woke, thought "damn, you're one morbid bastard!"  Which I'm not, but this simply didn't feel the right place.  Perhaps in a few years it'll be something to delve deeper into.

So that idea fell flat.

Also hitting the wall was a huge rant where I objected to being collectively associated as among other things, (edited because frankly it bores me to type it all out) insults simply because I may/may not share some political & social views as others.  What I found most annoying was the sheer hypocrisy of those spouting off (predominantly on FB) by tarring everyone in a group with the same brush, something they seemed to only have a problem with if it crossed their own social position.

But while rants can be fun, I'm not here to stir up the pot too much so here's an update on us.

Ryan had another great Halloween, can you guess what his costume was this year?  Plus of course Wiggles had her first, and wore the same "Baby's 1st BOO!" bib we bought for Ryan 5 years ago.  This year we actually began in the light, and it seemed far more people were out or not participating, but Ryan enjoyed the company of Sophia along with her very energetic little sister Hayley and brought back a mountain of candy which of course barely survived 1 night of Paul selectively nibbling.

He had his PALS test which is a guide to his progress related to a set series of targets, Ryan did really well to get a score comfortably over the zone and some of it is down to the exceptionally patient efforts of Kristin his speech therapist for over 3 years now, she's ably supported by Lowes Islands own specialist, Jessica, but there's no doubt Kristin resolves the majority of his struggles.

Ryan did get into trouble at school, turns out he'd simply been trying to fight his way out of a cubby which he'd been pushed into.  When asked why he didn't tell the teacher that he replied "We don't snitch". That got me seeing red so a return to the school and a pleasant exchange of views where I outlined that sometimes situations need to be explored fully & ideally prevented from escalating sooner.  Not that he's angelic of course, he's rambunctious, overly excitable and probably more physical than he realizes, but a line is a line & his comment showed me a line had been crossed and you've got to defend your kids haven't you?

Hannah is bouncing along, she's continuing to develop so fast, you forget just how quick they do change and grow.  Pounding the liquid content, sleeping well and now in her crib!  She's apparently also got horrendous flatulence, worse than Jake Thugs breath.   She also has exceptional timing, on Veterans Day, day care was closed, but Ryan still had Kindergarten, so I'm stood outside with her in the stroller, loads of other parents around and she goes red and parps out what can only be described as the human equivalent of the "exxon valdez", I swear birds and seals died because of it.  Of course, we're 20 mins away from 'safety' so that was not much fun, and it was worse when I got her home, cue bath, clothes in the wash and several wipes before cleanliness was restored.  Still she gave me a winning smile when I was done so it was hard to do anything other than smile back.

Teething is her thing now though and unlike Ryan who basically did nothing other than pop them out, she seems to be struggling, hopefully it's soon going to be over and she'll be chomping through the much missed "BooSnacks" but until then it's lots of drool and tears.

Final thing, I've mentioned it before but please click on Jessica's blog, she has written about our baby journey previously but now it's far more kid orientated, and it's nice to see her perspective on the family.  Her blog is at :  and though I'm biased, well worth a read.

J, J, R & H